Vlasimir Opara 2019, oil on canvas, assemblage, collage, computermotherboard, 104x119 sm.
Vladimir Opara 2017 - 2019, oil on canvas, assemblage, collage, computermotherboard, 110x120 sm.
Vladimir Opara 2015, 95 x 95 sm. oil on canvas, assemblage, computermotherboard. Privet collection
Vladimir Opara 2013, 110 x 140 sm. oil on canvas, collage, computermotherboard,
Vladimir Opara German wagons 2014-13, 110 x 110 sm., oil on canvas Владимир Опара Немецкие вагоны. 2014-13, 110 x 110 см., х., м., коллаж
Go to linkVladimir Opara February - this is love Vladimir Opara 2013, 70 x 80 sm., oil on canvas, collage Владимир Опара Февраль. Это-любовь. 2013 г., х.,м., 70 х 80 см.
Vladimir Opara 2013, 105 x 105 sm., oil on canvas, collage
Vladimir Opara USSR 2014, 95,5 x 95,5 sm., oil on canvas, assemlage. Privet collection Владимир Опара СССР 2014 г., 95,5 x 95,5 см., х.,м., ассамбляж. Частная коллекция
Vladimir Opara Russia. 2014, 105 x 105 sm., oil on canvas, collage Владимир Опара Россия. 2014 г., х., м., коллаж.
Vladimir Opara 2012, oil on canvas, collage, 60 x 70 sm.
Vladimir Opara The return of a drunk man home 2013, 125 x 165,5 sm. oil on canvas || Владимир Опара Возвращение пьяного мужика домой. 2013 г., 125 x 165,5 см., х., м.
Vladimir Opara 2011, oil on canvas, collage, computer motherboard, 130 x 150 sm., II Полет самураев над станцией Фукусима
Vladimir Opara, 2012, oil on canvas, computer motherboard, 125 х 165 sm., Is in the collection of the Moscow Museum of modern art || Новая Ева
Vladimir Opara, 1994-2009, oil on canvas, collage, 125x150 sm., Is in the collection of the Moscow Museum of modern art || Чтобы мне прозреть.
Vladimir Opara, 1994 - 2009, oil on canvas, collage, 130 х 173 sm., Is in the collection of the Moscow Museum of modern art || Но нашли они камен ь
Vladimir Opara, 1993-2009, oil on canvas, collage, Is in the collection of the Moscow Museum of modern art || Одинокий герой
Vladimir Opara, 1993, oil on canvas, collage, Is in the collection of the Moscow Museum of modern art || Иерусалим
Vladimir Opara, 2013, oil on canvas, collage, 130x150 sm. Is in the collection of the Moscow Museum of modern art || Строительство башни
Vladimir Opara, 2008-2009 , oil on canvas, collage, computer motherboard, 152х172 sm., 2 parts, Is in the collection of the Moscow Museum of modern art || Слова и числа
Vladimir Opara 1993, oil on canvas, 59,5 х 54,5 sm.,
Vladimir Opara The Kiss of Judas 1992-2014, 125,5 х 150,5 sm., oil on canvas || Владимир Опара Поцелуй Иуды 1992-2014, 125,5 х 150,5 см., х.,м.