Vladimir Opara. Dedicated to Joseph Brodsky. Moist charm of Venice. ...для Иосифа Бродского. Влажное очарование Венеции. 2015, print, oil on canvas, 100x150 sm. Private collection, Den Haag, Netherlands
2013, oil on canvas, mixed media,100x150 sm. Privet collection
2013, mixed media, oil on canvas,100x150 sm.
2015-2016, oil on canvas, mixed media,100x150 sm.
2014, mixed media, oil on canvas, 100x150 sm. The painting is lost. Please write to the author if you have seen this picture.
Vladimir Opara Chioggia 2013, oil on canvas, mixed media, 100x150 sm. art work for sale
Vladimir Opara Chioggia. Tribute to the Venetian masters of the landscape Francesco Guardi and others. 2013-2016, oil on canvas, mixed media, 100x150 sm. privet collection, Den Haag, Netherlands